Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Training Tip Tuesday: Make Time for Exercise

Let's be real. Going through your day thinking you're going to "fit in" a workout usually ends with it never happening.  Any role you are in right now comes with a plate-full of responsibilities clamoring for your attention, all day long.  Being a mom is probably the most demanding 24-hour job, while also being the most rewarding, by far.  Some of us have small children & infants.  Some have teenagers or young-adults.  Some have both, and I really am in awe of that place.

No matter where you are in life, exercise is important.  You've heard that before.  But I'm going to say it anyway, and tell you why.  

I believe exercise is for people who want to: 
live longer
be happier
be centered
be alone
be with friends
be with family
live an active lifestyle
play with your kids
increase your focus
be healthier
help others
set a good example
have active children & spouses

It's a winning thing to do for pretty much everyone.  As a mom, I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is an absolute must.  From personal experience I can tell you that no one benefits from a martyr-mom.  And the time you take for yourself will have long-term benefits for those people you live with and love.  Once I realized this, nothing could stop me.

So don't try to "fit in" your exercise.  Make time for it.  Set aside a certain hour, wake up before everyone, stay up late, sign up for a class, get a partner, do a babysitting swap, put the kids to bed, make a club, find new friends, whatever it takes to make sure you do one of the most important things you'll do all day: improve your physical & mental well-being.  

This is why I began this @fitnessinreality Instagram project, and hosted the Summer Slim Down.  Because having a reminder & being guided as to what to do makes it that much easier.  That leaves you with the only job of setting aside 60 minutes in the day.  And checking Instagram.

Generally, don't get too stuck on what kind of exercise or how long.  Make it at least 30 minutes, ideally 60, and make sure your heart is pumping hard and you are breathing fast & heavy.  It will be hard at first, but stick with it.  It won't be long before you realize you love it, too.

Take time for yourself.  Your family will thank you for it.

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