Thursday, March 19, 2015

Summer Slim Down Rules

Contest dates:            Monday March 23 – Saturday May 30 (10 weeks). We finish before school gets out!
Entrance Fee:            $20
Prize $$$ will be awarded in two categories…overall weight loss percentage winners AND points winners. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner in each category. I will let everyone know the particulars of the prizes once I have a final count of participants and all the money is collected.  Money needs to be turned in at the first weigh-in. The entrance fee is non-refundable.

Weigh-in time:           Every Saturday from 8:30-9:00 am. For those who live far away you will need to text or email me during this time with your weight and points.

Weigh-in dates:  INITIAL Monday March 23 9:30-10:30 AM, then every SATURDAY - March 28, April 4, April 11, April 18, April 25, May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23, May 30 (FINAL) . If you can’t come to a weigh-in please contact me for other arrangements, or just forgo the 5 points for that week.

How do I earn points?
·         You must keep track of all food, calories, exercise, fruits and veggies, and water on the attached Food Tracking Sheet.  This must be done for 5 days out of the 1 week period.  This will earn a maximum of 5 points (1 pt/day).  You will not lose points if you do not accurately count your calories as this can sometimes be very difficult, use your best judgment when guessing and it is in your best interest to approximate higher when in doubt.
·         You must eat 5 servings (approximately 1 cup) of fruits and vegetables daily.  This must be done 5 days out of the 1 week period.  This will earn a maximum of 5 points (1 pt/day).
·         You must drink 8 glasses (approximately 8 oz.) of water daily.  This must be done for 5 days out of the 1 week period.  This will earn a maximum of 5 points (1 pt/day).
·         You must exercise 1 hour per day.  You can split up the time by doing 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night. This must be done for 10 days out of the 2 week period.  This will earn 5 points (1 pt/day).  You may earn ½ pt per day for 30 minutes of exercise.
·         You must complete the week’s challenge, which is discussed below.  There is a spot on the Food Tracking Sheet to record information relating to the challenge.  Meet the challenge for at least 5 days out of the 1 week period and receive 1 pt/day or 5 points.
·         You must come to the weigh-in every week, unless you live far away then you must email or text me your results.  The weigh-in is worth 5 points
·         Finally, you earn points for losing weight.  If you lose from the previous week, you get 5 pointsIf you stay the same or if you gain you get 0 pts.
·         This combines to a grand total of 35 points possible each week. 

What are the 2 Week Challenges?
Week 1 & Week 2 - WRITE IT DOWN - This first challenge is to use your tracking sheet.  Write down all of your food and fill in all of the blanks. This will get you into the habit of using them for the entire contest, and be visually accountable for what you put in your mouth! 

Week 3 & Week 4 – CUT IT OUT! – Choose two unhealthy things to cut out of your diet:
1.      No refined grains such as white flour or white rice (items containing wheat must say WHOLE wheat…not just “wheat”)
2.      No refined sweeteners such as sugar, any form of corn syrup, cane juice, or the artificial stuff like Splenda (Honey is okay)
3.      No deep fried foods
4.      No “fast foods”
Week 5 & Week 6 – NO LATE EATING - No eating after 7 PM.  Hurry home and eat, brush your teeth, and call it quits

Week 7 & Week 8 - REGULAR MEALS + PROTEIN - No meal skipping!  You must eat 3 small meals and 2 small snacks daily (try to eat every 2-3 hours and then stop by 7 PM; this will maximize your metabolism).  Aim to get 30% of your daily calories from Protein.

Week 9 & Week 10 - BYE-BYE SUGAR - Get rid of your sweet tooth by eating 40 grams or less per day of unnatural sugar.  (Fruits, vegetables and milk sugars do not count toward total).

What’s the catch? 
            After each weigh-in, I will e-mail the weeks weigh-in results to all contest members.  Yes, that’s right – everyone will know what % you’ve lost.  Don’t sweat it; it just adds a little “fuel to the fire”.  It will help everyone stay on their toes and do their best! 

Tips:  Aim for 1200-1500 calories per day.  At this intake level you WILL lose weight, but not be starving.  If you are nursing, add 300 calories to the number above that you choose.

You should know that by NO means am I a professional at hosting this contest or in the field of nutrition, exercise, or weight loss. So please know that you enter the contest at your own risk!  

This is truly a wonderful contest that can help you change your current habits, create a better lifestyle for yourself, and of course, has the big added bonus of accountability.  This contest is strictly between individuals...there are no teams.  I do encourage you to tell others what you are up to, thus, creating a large support group and making you even more accountable!!  I know you can be very successful if you just do your best at following the contest guidelines!! 

Good luck, happy eating, and enjoy your exercise!!!!

Contact me if you have any questions or want to join in!  If you aren't local, you can follow the guidelines and reap benefits without entering the challenge officially!  

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