Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Dresses: Tulle Skirts

Easter is tomorrow, so yep, that means I'm neck-deep in a sewing project and cutting corners like mad.  I've started Easter dresses after a 3 day vacation & a 3 days-and-counting cold.  Why do I do this to myself, you ask?  I have no idea.  I let the girls choose this year, and style themselves.  Which I totally trust, but then I totally have to do the work.  It'll be a good change of pace for us.  When I say Easter dresses I really mean Summer dresses, that they'll wear until Christmas.  But somehow this time they wrangled me into tulle skirts, which I know are highly popular and super fashionable, but really, so very wardrobe specific.  I just do not see them donning these mini wedding poof-balls in July to head to church.  I'll let you know if it happens.

Anyway. 35 yards of tulle & 12 yards of satin later, I'm up to my eyeballs in gathering threads and static electricity.  Also coughing up a lung, because yes, the cold's still here.  I started with this pattern, but found it overly complicated, and so struck out on my own.  I like my method, but the waistband is a tad bunchy & thick.  Which is why the pattern is better.  I found the waist yoke slightly confusing and ended up shortening it so it didn't show as much.  The idea is that the yoke diffuses the poofy-ness from the waisband and disperses it evenly down the hips.

So after sewing two, I think I'll finally get the third right.  Now I just need some photos, because being sick tends to remove entirely my already slumbering penchant for photography.

Happy Easter!

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